Thoughts On: The 6 Ps of Financial Happiness
We all know that the job of a money manager is to make people money. As difficult as that can be, the job of the client service manager is even harder. Client service has to make people happy. You might think that if you make people money, then they will be happy; but, I have learned you have to make people happy first so they can stick around long enough for you to make them money. It is a classic “which comes first, the chicken or the egg” dilemma. If I don’t make them happy, then I can’t make them [...]
Five Key Moves for Generation X Before Retiring
As Generation X (born between 1965 and 1980) approaches retirement, planning is more critical than ever. Sandwiched between baby boomers and millennials, Gen Xers have faced unique economic challenges, including the dot-com bubble, the 2008 financial crisis, job changes, and, most recently, the pandemic. These experiences have reshaped retirement realities, making it essential for them to adopt proactive financial strategies. Here are five key moves to consider before hanging up the proverbial work boots: Maximize Catch-Up Contributions At age 50, Gen Xers can make “catch-up” contributions to their retirement accounts, such as 401(k)s or IRAs. These higher contribution limits are [...]
Achieve Financial Independence
A Virtual Lunch & Learn Series “Financial Independence: It’s Not a Sprint, It’s a Marathon” Part 3: “Achieve Financial Independence” We talk about achieving financial independence and what retirement means to you. It’s different for everyone, but basically it means that you CAN still work but you don’t HAVE to work to bring in any additional earned income. Start by setting SMART goals, prioritize spending, save and invest early. Have a written plan for retirement and revisit it often. Have a plan to pay for education expenses. Achieve Financial Independence from Muhlenkamp & Co on Vimeo. If you missed Parts [...]
Make More, Spend Less
A New Virtual Lunch & Learn Series “Financial Independence: It’s not a Sprint, it’s a Marathon” Part 2: “Make More, Spend Less” A topic everyone likes to talk about: Increasing Income. A topic no one wants to really talk about: Debt! Just like any fitness plan, you need to move your attention to where it is required! In Part 2 of our Lunch & Learn series, we look at alternatives to making more and spending less. Eliminating debt should naturally help you sleep better at night! WORK TO MOVE YOUR ASSETS TOWARD THE AREAS WHERE RETURNS ARE HIGH AND PAY OFF DEBTS WHERE [...]
Setting Short- and Long-term Financial Goals
A New Virtual Lunch & Learn Series “Financial Independence: It’s Not a Sprint, It’s a Marathon” Part 1: “Setting Short- and Long-term Financial Goals” There are many similarities between training for a marathon and achieving financial independence. Both take desire, time, and effort, and as the saying goes, it’s not a sprint but a marathon of discipline. Just like any fitness plan, once you have reached your goals, you must maintain them. But let’s back up. We need to get you to the Starting Line of the Financial Marathon. THE STARTING LINE At the Starting Line, it’s a time when [...]
Take Your First Step in Retirement Planning
WHY IS FINANCIAL PLANNING SO IMPORTANT? We all have things we want to do in the future that will cost money; vacations, home buying, paying for college, retiring, and etc. Financial planning is simply figuring how much money you will need when you will need it, and taking action to get you there. RETIREMENT PLANNING IS A SUBSET OF FINANCIAL PLANNING, AND MAYBE THE MOST CRITICAL BECAUSE: Social Security is becoming less solvent all the time. Read: Social Security by the Numbers and Social Security Revisited: A Plan to Fix It Most corporations no longer offer defined benefit retirement plans, and many companies [...]
Muhlenkamp Marathon
Our Muhlenkamp Marathon E-Book includes 26.2 miles of financial guidance. From getting your financial information in order at mile 3 to creating a budget at mile 7 and learning how to reduce debt at mile 16, we’ve got your training covered! The opinions expressed are those of Muhlenkamp and Company and are not intended to forecast future events, guarantee future results, or offer investment advice.
Used Cars and Retirement
In 1995 Grandpa wrote “Fund Your IRA Every Year, or How to Retire Wealthy by Driving Used Cars.” Twenty-five years later the message remains true and I think bears repeating: time and 1 compound interest work wonders. So, I want to break it down for you. The MSRP (Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price) for a 2019 base model Ford Taurus SE is $29,000. The Kelley Blue Book Fair Purchase Price for a 2009 Ford Taurus SE is $5,000. Right away you can see how buying the 10-year-old car frees up $24,000 for you to invest. Using a compound interest table (2) [...]
The Goal of Investing
SOME PEOPLE SELLING INVESTMENT ADVICE SPEAK OR WRITE OF “DIVERSITY” AS IF IT WERE THE GOAL OF INVESTING. IT’S NOT! THE GOAL OF INVESTING IS TO MAKE YOU MONEY. – RON MUHLENKAMP We are all familiar with the phrase “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” It’s important to check the quality of the baskets. Not all baskets are well constructed. In the investment business, a CD basket differs from a bond basket, which differs from a stock. Some people selling investment advice maintain that you should use all of these baskets for diversity. They speak or write of diversity [...]