Essays & Videos
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Memorandum #152
In their Quarterly Letter, Jeff and Ron Muhlenkamp discuss what changes in economic data prompted the Federal Reserve to adjust the federal funds target range and how various policy choices [...]
How to Sleep at Night During TEOTWAWKI
It doesn’t matter to what political party you belong—everybody’s worried about the election. It doesn’t matter what your ideology is; it doesn’t matter who you like or what you want. [...]
Letter to My Daughters: On Politics and Markets
Your mother asked me to write about "The Impact of Political Uncertainty on the Markets,” which is pretty simple. The markets hate uncertainty; they hate not knowing what the rules [...]
Five Key Moves for Generation X Before Retiring
As Generation X (born between 1965 and 1980) approaches retirement, planning is more critical than ever. Sandwiched between baby boomers and millennials, Gen Xers have faced unique economic challenges, including [...]
Thoughts On: The Yo-Yo Problem with Investing
The job of a professional money manager is to make people money. As difficult as that is, the job of the client service manager can be even harder. Client Service [...]
Thoughts On: Corrections, Crashes, Recessions, and Inflation
On Tuesday, August 6, I had two separate conversations with two very different people: a client with a million-dollar portfolio and a friend who has some Bitcoin. And they asked [...]